Monday, June 4, 2012

My Nose


I fail to see how it's a fake nose.  I suppose people don't have to like me.

Well, it looks not minute but correct.  I realize you could have a more realistic-looking nose.

I'm a pretty physical person in some ways.  So, that's not quite what's lacking.  It just doesn't have that look I know now.

I think you could have a much more detailed nose.  I didn't have to do anything special to get a nose like that in certain ways.  It's just been shaped that way for awhile.  I know it's been different, shorter, when I was a kid.  I guess it's Jewish to have a longer nose.  I don't know about Italians as kids, but I know the adults can have long noses.  I'm Jewish, probably, and I always wanted a long nose.  Ha!  I guess I'm scoffed at.  It's a big desire of mine to have a protruding nose.  Not everyone wants that, I see, and I don't understand that.  Lots of Middle Easterners have strong noses.

I'm still overcome with how my nose seems fake because it does not.


Here's me back from up north.  My nose is not especially long.  It still looks like a real nose.


Here's a girl from New Orleans.  She looks smart.  I thought we should have moved to the city, but the suburb was okay.  It was quite good, in fact.  Part of the reason is because of people from New Orleans, which seems distant I suppose.  Her nose doesn't look fake.  It seems a bit light, compared to mine.


Here are some Ellen DeGeneres fans.  She has big fans.  Their noses seem fake to me.  I wonder where they're from.  I know their noses aren't fake, but it has more of that feel.  It must be because I've been to the top and bottom of the U.S.  Sorry I said that, but I was trying to reiterate why my nose would seem "fake."  :^|


Here's them later.  Their noses aren't especially big, which I am sorry for because my nose from the side looks quite big.

I guess I'm Chinese so my nose is pretty solid.

It's not fake.


I used to think this was a fake nose, but now I don't.  I guess I don't have that indent in the center, though.  I'm kinda hoping I get it, but you know, I dunno about that?

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