Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I can shut up.

New Art by Me

I drew some kids!

So, you might think I did something especially bad

but I did not.  I did something commonly bad.  I suppose, you could dig into it more and say that's not even true.

It's hard to get

when the whole world's that way, online.

Just because I'm not perfect in my intentions

and goals therein is why people think I'm more than confused.  I try to walk the path of the straight and narrow and notice people are meaner to me than others.

I already know what I'm doing.

Some people just don't get over things, with me, that don't make sense, at all.

Wow, some people just hate on you.

Others's problems shouldn't affect me.


A little lesson learned.  If someone isn't a trouble-maker and apparently, knowingly gets confused, they don't get into trouble.  When you hack at someone day in and day out or whatever in general ... that's only effective on people who do this sort of thing for a living!

Merrily, we roll along

Roll along, roll along,
Merrily, we roll along...
O'r the deep, blue seea.

Curse words don't come up with me.

So, with the people who are concerned about the controlling of it voluntarily should not even be an issue.  Like, curse words keep coming up, and then after that I get picked at for reacting in my head, which I can't help but do something because it makes me uncomfortable and feel undignified.

Aw, I'm not alone anymore.

So, I can't finish Monday's "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

It seems the Irish

like to play around.  They don't see the big picture in a way you'd imagine.

Do you know people who

just want to see what happens?  People always learn from life.  A baby would never know how to talk otherwise.  Adults know how to care for themselves yet still are quite human.

Why are we even discussing this?

People don't follow the "rules."  People are forgetting what my life used to be like, as though I've made a wrong decision rather than fallen into a conspiracy.  It might seem easy to figure out, but it's hard to admit you actually have to back down because it might not be for the right reasons.  Still, it's good to know what you're doing and to back down when something's too much.

I wonder why some people

promise you you'll get attention and then something goes wrong, like say you said something that wasn't right because of what someone else said or did.

It's bad to make a mistake, but some things aren't as bad as others.

I know people who go out of their way to get at people and who I'm guessing thought they knew what they were doing.  People are so easily persuaded.

Perhaps, there's a way in which they wish

not to identify with someone.

I guess people from every country

or of different ethnicities all have their own issues, and so do people who are very mixed, even.

People don't seem to get that you don't trust them.

I don't see why I have a big issue up in my family.  I assure you my intentions are genuine.

On the topic itself, it just seems there are some things that aren't to circulate and assume that other things have backfired on me, perhaps being the issue itself since it's not really right, after all...

I was gonna post something important but forgot what it was.

I figured something out.

Oh, no!

I've let something slip my mind.  Something upset me a bit, and I reapplied that term for some reason within the bounds of current concerns.  I have to remember not to do that.  I hope it doesn't pop up, again.  Some people are suggestive.  Then, on the flip side, they're especially positive.

Most Expensive Cars of Common Brands

Most Expensive Cars of Common Brands

So, I just caught up on

Ellen that was missing from TV on Thursday and Friday because of a golf tournament, for some reason.  I watched some videos online, but I think they were all relics of the past.  I guess, when my family is away I will catch up on the 2 episodes now recorded on our TV.

I posted a comment here, but it didn't show up, at least not yet.

There I fixed it.

It's gone!

Sorry for posting about some things.

Something I Said

I guess as long as it's attractive it's okay.  Well, of course it has to be okay.

"I can't believe you people."

I said something not saying where I got it from about settling something that bothered me, and it has stretched a month past from my birthday!  It's been a big deal, and I'm the one who's getting intruded upon in "creative" ways.  It keeps coming up randomly.  Some people seem to have gotten over it.

A Worry

So people worry about suggestions of others for some reason and find some way to change the situation, whether or not they are conscious of it.  They know some things aren't right, in certain situations.

I know I didn't mean to suggest anything bad in what I said.  I don't get people who size me up to themselves because there are lots of people out there who don't do that.  People seem to think that certain things must be suggested in their relationships with others and try to compromise that relationship.  It seems it's always about ...