Friday, May 25, 2012

@TheEllenShow - Helene Campbell and Olivia Munn

Don't feel obliged to click on the links!  Nor read any of this!

The 1st girl is from near where my relatives are from, and she reminded me of me.  I feel kind of comfortable seeing her but not totally.  She's kinda similar to my relatives but not really.  I might have Canadian blood according to something I thought matched that I looked up, but I'm not sure.  If I had my old family tree, I'd know.  I just don't know if I should ask.  My dad went up north with my brother when I was staying behind to audition to start taking dance at a community college, but I didn't.  They found out more about our ethnicity but didn't bring back anything on our family tree.  I have a shorter version of our family tree from our brother, and I think my more recent ones were different, as well.  I don't know why I didn't keep track of that stuff.

Olivia Munn is half Chinese from her mom, like me.  My mom's ancestors are from Indonesia, I think, maybe for 50 years.  I see she was mostly raised in Japan, Tokyo.  I know a girl on Facebook whose mom is French and whose dad is Japanese.  When I told her I liked Jewish, she said she was also Jewish.  She also had a long nose and was unbelievably skinny but not gaunt.  I'm guessing she was raised in Paris or France, I think, and then moved to Tokyo as an adult.  My nose looks long from my right side, but generally it doesn't look that thin, which doesn't really feel good.  I felt a bit uncomfortable about Olivia Munn.  I used to post at Eurasian Nation.  Eurasian people are really sensitive.  If you are cool and different, they attack you or act superior for some fetched reason, like being part Native American like me.  My dad's mom's dad has Native American.  It's from the Northeast, though.  It is nice, in a way.  I'd prefer to have it than to not, but it can be frustrating.  I don't like being beat for it.  It's probably better not to have it; I mean, a lot of people don't.  It's probably easier than being part anything else or at least African.  Here's a picture of a Native American with Dutch heritage|name: picture.  Oh, f.y.i., if you're reading this and don't know Olivia Munn's, mom was raised in Vietnam!  She's from Oklahoma.  Oh, about my nose. it gets bigger at the bottom.  I don't know if it's always looked big at the bottom from the front.  I've gained some weight in my life.  It's interesting to finally see a couple people who are pretty successful at looking European who are half Asian.  It's interesting seeing how this person cloaked it.  Sometimes, you got Asian vibes, especially when she was dancing.  I wonder why.  I met a person who had such big features who was part Chinese and Filipino I think, maybe half and half, not sure, but I would imagine she said Chinese 1st.  She was singing that song that this person came out to and danced to.  It sounded like she could win an academy award if things went right.  Anyway, she was from California, I think L.A. but am not sure.  I think that's why she was so thick, big head, big eyes, big hands, big arms.  She looked maybe Middle Eastern, in a way.  This was when I was at the mental hospital.  I couldn't stand it this time.  I was only there a day, and my dad is gonna kick me out if I go back.  I saw the doctor after talking to her, and he thought I looked good, though I did get out on my own means, as well.  You seemed to like her humbleness in being Asian, something that's different with me, so that made me uncomfortable.  It's funny how people hone in on Asians, but they are very different.  I think Africans are the next step up.  The Middle East in ways is like Europe.  So, I do realize Asian is not that good, but I don't think she does.  She seems to humble herself as a person to you, but I don't exactly belittle myself like I like Asian.  I don't feel an obligation to foil others by being Asian.

"a person or thing that makes another seem better by contrast"

I've realized, after awhile, that it's wrong to be racist and wrong to not realize when you've gone out of your way to be racist or used people literally to foil yourself in racist ways.  Who doesn't?  Even people who are condoned are.  It's funny if Asians are so attractive that they are put at the bottom of the list when mixed with European.  I guess it's a sure sign you'll win if you're mom's Chinese and your dad's European.  A lot of mixes seem to be a non-European dad and a European mom, too.  I did see a small picture from maybe the side or back of a girl who was half Irish and half Chinese.  I think she looked Chinese, as most do.  A lot of them seem to have complex mixes but probably not most of them.  Like, there might be someone with like 1|8 European maybe, I dunno.  I was surprised, though, when I saw someone with a daughter who was 1|4 European.  I'm not sure if the mom was Middle Eastern or Far Eastern or what.  I imagine this is a boring topic.  Well, it was so cool to see Olivia Munn on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show!"

Don't feel obliged to click on the links!  Nor read any of this!

About Helene Campbell, I guess you can see the differences between people from the northeast and from the south.  Taylor Swift is originally from Pennsylvania but moved to Tennessee for high school.  I found a YouTube of her singing as a kid!  YouTube.  Here's one of her where you see her as a kid singing the national anthem: YouTube.  I guess there are a few YouTubes of her as a child.  None of them really remind me a whole lot up front of my relatives.  I guess she is more like them than me, in a way.  The people in general there seem pretty nice.  It seems the young people in ways are very different from their parents.  My dad's lived in a place called the same word that this makes up and it's from Buffalo which is a bit north: Website.  These people are from there, where my dad's lived: Pictures.  I particularly find I like this one: Picture.  Here's near where my grandma lives now: 1 2 3 (scroll with the white bar.)  I'm not sure exactly the area where most of my relatives live, but it seems like more of them might live in New York.  I've also lived in the New Orleans area and went to college there for 1-2 years.  Here's a picture of a girl from there: Picture.  I've also lived in northeastern Florida: 1 2 3.  I'm originally from southeastern Florida, above Miami: where Johnny Depp lived mostly 1 2 3, where I started 1, I think the 1st place I lived 1 2, where I was born 1 girl from there who was in northeastern Florida for college for 4 years and in the Dominican Republic for 1 year 2 3, where I live now Orlando 1.  Wow, I put a lot of links in this.  No need to click on them.

I'm not sure about ultimately comparing different places people are from.  There are lots of famous people from NYC and England.  NYC 1 2 3, London 1 2 veiled nudity 3 western England.

My dad went to college in the 2nd largest city in Washington state for I think a school year.  My aunt went in California for I'm not sure how long.  They grew up in northwestern Pennsylvania and southwestern New York ... New York ... state.

I guess I've gone a bit far.  I'll go ahead and post this.  Byye!

Oh, I looked up people from Washington: 1.  And L.A. 1.

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