Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I don't need my grandma

influencing the decisions of my parents.  They are always mean to me and deny they know anything about the "n" word thing it seems.  I want to get it settled in the meat.  I cared about my relationship.  My dad talks to my grandma every week.  I wanted a break from talking to her for now.  Every day for 45 minutes took its toll on her.  I know who's up to no good.  No one has to listen to their elders when they are adults because they aren't even supposed to live near them.  My parents like airheads will go along with anything these days to punish me for something I did in the far past that was an accident or misunderstanding, while in general I'm pretty good, considered like perfect, really.  They keep digging into my thoughts, but my thoughts go haywire because of the attacks on me of people reading into my mind about the "n" word.  I don't want any surprises left behind by my grandma to my dad in how they treat me and what we're thinking about.  I don't need to be punished to call my grandma and her not give me a break from her like this.  I think she influenced my dad to make it sound like he called me a nigger and would act like it wasn't her fault and she doesn't approve of the way he did it.  She thinks without being on the computer herself she can conduct what goes on in my life on the computer like 24/7.  She reacts to that, and it affected how her brother spoke to me.  This is not about her.  It's about my mom and dad right now and me being alone on the computer, like before the "n" word thing and what came to pass|follow.

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