Thursday, June 7, 2012

Something Freaky

Yesterday, my head moved involuntarily and something else like that.  It just moved over!  Like someone was trying to kill me!

Oh no, is it what I said?  It's funny how it took awhile for the message to settle in.  Oh well, too bad.  I actually went back and deleted that part of it.  :p

Hm.  ,:/

I really didn't mean each part literally, which is why I had a certain context.  ,:/  I suppose it wasn't exactly what I meant.

Well, yea.  I didn't mean what I said in the way it would be breaking it down into what you'd expect.

Oh my!  I was just taking out my anger healthily so nothing would come up!  Now, people have died!  Why are people so much more sensitive than me?

I suppose something acclaimed can get a certain rep.  :p

It's the "thought that counts."  Sometimes, I just like playing around.  I'll try not to.

Something always seems to come up, but maybe I can stop that.

I don't mean certain things in certain connotations.  I'm not sure where these connotations come from.  I suppose if I could go back I wouldn't do it.  People have been mean to me like this, like nothing happened.  I suppose I should learn to disdain that behavior.


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