Saturday, June 2, 2012

3 New Pictures of Me


Mai head

is like kinda tight yet bubbly

I wonder which ethnicity is the nastiest.

It probably has something to do with me.

Does anything make you

reeally de-pressed?

haha ha ha ha ha

I have

something new to laugh at now!  :D

and just to keep things in perspective

you know I don't have to do this

Well, I took a look

at Viggo on Viggo Works, and he seems to think that having gray or white hair is smarter or better than like the Chinese having black hair even when they're in their 50s like he is.

1 New Photo of Me


Why do I feel like suddenly cowering in my room

now that I know my brother's gonna be home.

Punishment doesn't fix.

Not if you hope your kids will receive the same treatment.  Don't you hope they figure things out and not decide to disobey the rules?


My grandma has Jewish on both sides of her family.

So, a lot of times...

...I just said I was 1|2 Chinese and later also almost 1|2 Irish or something maybe and listed the rest I thought I was: German, French, Dutch, and a little indian.

Aha ha!

I guess it's dangerous to pretend you're another race.

About Being White

No one ever said anything about Jewish being more white than European though it does seem more ideal.

Wait, what am I thinking?

Tim's Religion?

Is Tim Burton Jewish? | ChaCha › CategoriesEntertainment & ArtsCelebrities
Jan 26, 2012 – Is Tim Burton Jewish? ChaCha Answer: Tim Burton is not Jewish, he has a nominal Protestant background. Thanks for using ChaCha!


I just realized that Helena and Sharon are beautiful about half Jews out there.  It's just I'm upset I look so Jewish and it's just because I thought I wasn't and that I was Chinese.  Humph.


Tim Burton

This says Tim Burton is Canadian.


It's not a surprise

Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter get along.  I wonder if Tim Burton has something that's not traditional Europe, maybe southern European like Turkish?

I've seen Italians or at least the father on "Laverne & Shirley" who look like him.

I've always felt

suppressed to be European.  I feel it's because of the Jewish filth.

That is, the ... whatever.

Her last name is from the northern Scottish islands

which are kinda Scandinavian.

I feel different from my grandma.

I find it hard to believe her mom was all Dutch.  That's not what she said before.  She said she was mostly Irish.

Things aren't gonna change.

Ya are who ya are.


Remember, Asians seem white???

I'm white! I'm one of those people who functions like this, apparently enough...

...I do what I'm supposed to without telling.

I don't believe in suggestions.  They don't affect moi.

I'm growing up in a fine area.

2 New Photos of Me


Being Nitpicky

about someone because of something they did is not nice.

I mean like something happens by accident and you are like forever on their case.

People like that start problems.

Too bad racist people are mistaken.

Clumsy, sloppy, mean, rude.

I guess it was special that

Ellen had light hair.  It got darker as she got older but apparently not until high school, maybe.

She seems like she was different when she was younger from when she was older.  It's obvious in her personality.

I wonder if she was nonchalant because she is Jewish.

I wonder when I see people I guess if they're not all white.  It seems that people who are not all white are affected easily, but I wish I weren't.  I wish it was just easy to be white all the time!

I believe she is indian

but I'm not sure about African.

She does act like Helena Bonham Carter

and Sharon Osborne.

So, my dad's parents

are the same as Ellen except my dad's dad doesn't have English, indian, and I'm guessing no Jewish.


I'm pretty sure she's Jewish.

Wait, but my Grandma might be.  In which case I will keep a distance from magnet-ing Ellen.

I got a security code that said something like mulatto, and I read she might have south indian and African.  Johnny Depp has African.  I'm guessing she's indian?  Why not?  Just highly successful.

Who really ... appreciates-

Sorry, everyone, if

my mom is not Irish.

I didn't find out I "might" be an indian until later, neither.

Thanks, school!

Oh, different letters?

Lemme see.

Yea, different letters, but Jews are not Asian, and Asian is like white.

I ended up looking pretty Jewish because I thought I was just Chinese.  Now what.

Now, I know there was a difference between

Jewish and European.  What was it?

I wonder if she's a guy lesbian because she's Jewish.

I mean, Jewish people are more rough than Europeans, in general.  :|

So, now I know 3 Jews with thin noses.

They sure are harsh.  I wonder why...  2 of them are Irish.

She looks a lot like Anne Frank.

She looks more Jewish than my grandma and her siblings.  Supposedly, they don't have much of Native American.  I wonder if they just had indian friends.  I wonder if I can find out online.

It was pretty scary.

How did my grandma know what an indian looked like?  Her father doesn't look indian, and her mother isn't!

I wanna get outta this alive.

I've got to stop looking Jewish!

Am I really Native American?

Are Kifer and Shultz Jewish names?

I'm pretty sure, we're all Jewish, now!

So, I don't think she's Native American.  That would be horrid!  I'm Native American indian.  My dad is.  My brother is!

I don't want to get close to her because she's appealing and it would just be because of our ethnicities except that I have Native American and Chinese.  :p

Give the opportunity to someone else.

From looking at this picture of Portia...

You can tell Ellen must be Jewish, from her mom.

I don't know.  I don't feel I have Jewish.  If I do, it's from my grandma probably.  My last names can have Jewish, but I don't know if that automatically means I am.  I dunno.  Lemme think.  I don't know who to compare it to because it seems like everyone is Jewish and Native American.  Okay, I think I am Polish Jewish and Swiss Jewish.  Otherwise, I'd be Polish and Swiss moved to Germany, likely, or not.

I guess I post online because|so

I'm 1|2 Chinese-Indonesian and I need some outlet of fame.  It's easy access, free for all, nothing special.  Through it all, I may win the comfort I need.

This is cute.,r:5,s:0,i:98

She seems Jewish in this picture.,,,00.html&h=240&w=180&sz=70&tbnid=S-LTJdF7Qf4JQM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=68&zoom=1&usg=__jYPC4EirPpkdEqqqBiW5Blu6v6Y=&docid=1wyvhQ8SHYNrGM&sa=X&ei=5Q7KT7SfNseg2AXzrIHaCw&ved=0CHwQ9QEwBQ&dur=1774

You know, I really like Anne Frank.

Her mom reminds me of my mom from when we were in New Orleans.

My mom would have had to go through something for similar situations, breaking down.  Her mom wrote a book I think on accepting her as gay.

Her Mom's Last Name

Austrian is fine.  I'm guessing it's Jewish.  It seems like Austria would ... was kind of the opposite of Germany and maybe like Poland, which I could be Polish or Jewish or Swiss or Jewish.  It's not a near last name, but still.  I mean it's not removed 5 times, though, at least not both.

Hold up.

Her father was an immigrant, or his father. I can't remember, was a long time ago that I read 'love ellen'.
This person is sure.

Ellen's Father

This says Ellen's father came from out-of-the-U.S., guessing or hoping he's all French,

White people are

always adamant about things being intelligent and specific.

The only people who promote non-white feelings|things

on others are those who aren't all white.

I guess they have something that can be taken away.

They could feel guilty to be European and then not feel as good about it or lose it or something.  They are taught to be open.  They are taught to be open to other races.


really do care about your race.

I mean about you.

I mean them being comfortable

just because they're not white.  I've seen half Africans who look white enough, though.

People being dishonest

about their race and only becoming famous because of it is not helping.

I'm guessing

I'm not Jewish and not French.  I might be French, though.

Is Ellen not honest about her race?

Rabco March 20, 2011 at 9:59 pm
Ellen is also part creole, an ethnic group found commonly in her hometown of New Orleans. The Degeneres name is of french descent, it is not uncommon as a surname in southern midwest. Creoles are a combination of French, American Indian and African descent.

amanda November 3, 2010 at 4:26 am
the nationalities listed above r leaving something out,shes also part jewish.

I guess I'm okay with

accepting that my heritage is different but not that my life should be.  I just know where I come from and know what I do now.  I seem to be missing something, a way people pick on me.

When some things hit

they remind me of something.


people don't want to find the answer, don't want the possibility up in the air!

Rebuilding Hollywood

His charisma is absolutely blinding.


So all of Johnny's actions point to preventing others from becoming famous.

Reiterating the Known Facts

is not an answer to a question|problem.

Harm to Me?

People just insert a feeling of continuation to explain things from what they feel but never have ideas and reasons like me.

Something else I forgot.

I think Johnny Depp publicized the "n" word issue to teach me a lesson, but I found I don't need to be taught a lesson because of why it happened.  I don't need a lesson like that, and that just fits his kind of logic.  I mean why do it?  It could kill me, for God's sake!  He seemed to not think of that, but you could tell that something was wrong, though I still don't know what it could be.  So, if the goal was to kill me so be it.  :|

Sometimes, there are only 2 sides.

1 issue.  From 1 person?

I'm pretty sure I was hacked

and was found out to use the "n" word when otherwise no one would know.

Not Really About Me?

I just want to be known as a poster online.

That dream, achievement, accomplishment, or token has dissolved.  :|

I just assume

if I'm the only one not happy there's some common understanding between the opposing party fucking around with my harshly.

"I'm tired of people..."

coming to me to pick a fight between people I care about who supposedly maybe one does something wrong and the other right, either way, for some reason.  Some people might just be hurt.  I mean, I am picked at even in a hairy situation.  My life is certainly not the same, and I've lost some support as a human being.  I'm tired of thinking of the "n" word thing and things chained to it because that's not the point in life for anyone...

Going By How One Feels

I do get feelings like that, but when I make a decision it's because of concrete things and facts.  It can be the fact of how good one feels because it's important and helps you and otherwise can lead to bad things that affect everyone.

I was gonna say something else.

Well, my life is very different in a bad way.

I guess with me people pretty much go with how I feel, but I go by knowing the outcome of something.

Let's see how this looks: YouTube.

That's funny because it's the people who aren't the romantic type and not even the feeling life who seem to just go with whatever they feel comes to them, like memorizing a piece of music and improvising on it.

It looks like my life was already ruined.  My life has become fake yet raw.


People spend all their time beating at a dead horse.

Sacrificing Me for One's Own Sake

There's a problem that you were not to openly know about originally and then you take away everything of someone just to impress someone else in a hairy situation where they technically didn't do anything wrong as far as what actually happened though just looking at the cold hard evidence they did in a certain way, too.

I just feel so insulted for what was taken from me.  Nothing for me is precious nor makes sense, anymore, and that knocks me out to being pretty mad.  Things changed since the "n" word thing, and it's not my fault.  Were it, this is still wrong.  I never treat anyone like this.  I don't think I'd try to hurt anyone, neither, while being critical!


What's in the potpourri?

And who doesn't have a taste for it?  See, not everyone who is different gets made fun of.


to who's offended, after all.

I didn't need to get anything out.

Stop getting mad at me for it because I don't think I liked these subtle yet intense messages.

Making Fun of Me

At 1st, I suppose people made fun of me for my stark background they wanted to pry into, which was not something I liked all along, obviously.  It's like I never set up my life!

Then, they made fun of me for liking old-fashioned things and dresses.  It eventually became a fad, though, as did 3|4 sleeves.  Remember when not 1 nor 2 3|4 sleeves would be found on shelves.  I lost interest then.

So, since Johnny wanted me to

call him "stupid" the other people may have worried about that I might do something to them.  It was clear, though, that this was what happened.

About the "N" Word Thing

If I thought Johnny Depp acted like he wanted me to call him "stupid," why would people be able to see through him and him then say he had no doing in me thinking that the parents of someone he's working with wanted to, like they called their son gay in public somehow, call their daughter the "n" word sometime.  I got that creepy thought, but it was probably misleading.  I think it was just safety in case I did it because they're not going to stop bashing me for my race online, instead, bashing me with the person as though I'm not good enough because of something small I did.

What else?

Why do people-

-I don't believe I fostered a secret desire to curse.  It is advertised as okay and cool.  Now, it seems like people are barking at you if you don't like to cures but did something.

I dunno.  I can't say now I like cursing.  I don't use words against other people.  I have before but not usually and don't now.  I was a little crazy once, but the person was able to take it.  In the other cases, all online, it wasn't ever to anyone's face exactly and they didn't have to find out.

Um, let's see, I don't see how people could blame me for how I looked.  I always expressed that I tried.

That has nothing to do with anything and is not a reason to judge me.

I don't see why people want to keep being on the topic but not solve it.  I think where I come from if you can solve something you get over it, but a lot of people don't have that capability with their emotions.


Some people sustain the quiet so as not to get into trouble but also because they are more set up in life to succeed in some way that doesn't befit you.  Where I'm at is I talk to solve my problems so I can have quiet in my life ever.

Insisting I'm Shit and Crap

I don't like that.  All I can do now is point fingers at others telling them that they to begin with were wrong because they have problems.

They think I'm like worthless and then think I'm not perfect though I strive to be and they butter me up the wrong way as Ms. Perfect or Ms. Quiet, as in well-behaved.  They don't admit they think I did something wrong very openly, though.  Obviously, they are the ones making the mistake, though.  My life is pretty perfect with their stimulation.  I find that some people, who might get closer to me, chose this as their forte but find that in the end pretty much everyone's doing kinda the same thing so much that I can't control my reaction.  Or something.

Why I Write a Lot...

Whew, just got back.

I just thought of something.  The reason I talk things out is so that I can sustain a good reputation in the quiet.

I find that

others make mistakes with me and don't remember that I know what I'm doing and that I'm pretty good.  They make up all these rules about what I can or can't say.  I realize most people's conversation is just snide and stupid, and I think everyone agrees that that's how they take other people.


So, most people need to neaten their life.

I saw one person in college who bunked his bed and has a comforter or big spread of some sort under his bed probably with a beannie.  That's success.

Something funny happened to me.  I had a bookshelf at my bed.  It happened to be on my side.  I found that doing little projects, like reading a kid's book or the painting a plastic menagerie, helped me more than the schoolwork.  I found that the schoolwork was the least important thing to do in college.  It's about walking around and eating out and buying things, like I got a book on machinery, an Idiot's or Dummies guide.  It's not what goes 1st, but it's what sparks the most flame.


I'm not too upset about this type of impression, but I am wondering about the quick hatred of people who don't live in a den.  I cozied up my room now that I had my own!  My downfall was trying to redo my room when I was 16 and that I didn't.  I just sat there, not feeling totally well, thinking about it...  I don't know if I'll be painting the garage.  At least in my dorm, I had a place to put plastic vines of flowers.  It was the most decorated except that I didn't have like an entire carpet.  We had a long desk, but otherwise it was a small space to share, as are all dorms, which is  mistake because hotels are much better suited for people staying only a little while...

Something is still wrong with my room, but at least it's in order.  It's not in the most ideal of order but in order.

So, then basically there's people who not only come from a decorated or potpourri-ed life but also people who don't seem to have another element, which I'm feeling maybe they do have, but something about breaking down life into the simplest of all views and winging it with that as a foundation for all thoughts until they have to change something.  Whew!?

So, I also know there's people who are always surrounded by their memory.  It's not like it comes like through the air to a cell phone.  Right now, I'm doing something where it is like that.  I don't think of lots of things at once, anymore.  I just have like reactions and can figure out the best outcome using brain muscles I got from things like exercising my physical body, pretty much that's it, it seems to be.

It seems that if someone from Europe messes up it's okay, and if someone who's not all white does that it doesn't.

I have a certain memory of things I've learned through writing online.  :p

So, there are, I mean after all... only so many things one needs to think of.  I guess I've found I was right that certain things are ridiculous to punish.  You're gonna end up just bashing someone for fun.  I've found I have to quickly figure I'm innocent to "dodge the bullets?"

I don't know where the idea came from that I don't myself come from a comfortable life.  I thought people growing up were jealous of me and that that was the thing because my life was settled.  It certainly wasn't potpourri-ed, but later on it was incensed, though you might say.  It's quite stifling.  I always felt surrounded by problems, so-to-speak.  It was an issue of attitude.  I always tried to be good, but apparently my parents didn't provide me with an environment where I could succeed.  I was always considered privileged to the point that I didn't count.  Yes, though, it's not like our house looked like a home.  It was more like a warehouse.  Actually, no, we had books and stuff.  We lived in some apartments.  All apartments are probably set a certain way.  :|

I guess in the end people are trying to find reasons to say they have a better attitude.  Why would that be important?  I guess it also tells you you could probably be better off if your life were more like theirs in some way..  I pretty much dress up my life online.  I know I left things plain, but it's neat and makes sense.  I dunno, maybe I should dress it up more.  My dad asked if I want a table.  Maybe I should say yes so that I can paint it pink.  :(  My room is really makeshift just because of money.  It's still a livable place where I can grow up?  I don't remember many decorations growing up, but we had like thoughtful things.  My dad doesn't want holes in the wall, neither, so I don't know about that.  I suppose if we had a permanent expensive home we could.  I always thought my dad never got what he deserved and of course not my mom.

Come to think of it, I did win out in life because I had a decorated dorm room.  I had like hot pink matching stuff maybe.  Funny.  I had an elongated bed, as colleges tend to all have, and this hot pink duvet|cover.  My dad is making an elongated desk before with and for my brother.  I'm sure I did well in life and started to live in a world of magic because of all my little efforts.

I'm seeing that other people want to beat just me for some reason in being the best at being the best of other cultures, including the ones that have dark skin or live in the heat or whatever, while still being more white.  Sure, but that's not ever what I was talking about.  I'm into European things and have been since I started liking from The Little House Books and American Girls, old-fashioned things in the U.S.  So, I was about 9.  I'm pretty upset with my parents all the time lately from the fact that I pay attention to all the little details and they see things basically as scrat.  They think it's my flaw to understand what's going on and not make the right decisions because of it.  People have seem to always have caught onto me for that for awhile, I mean.  They say or think I mean, oh that basically means this or that and that's how that's gonna have to work out because I already have another problem that supposedly matters even.  That problem is something that affects me that doesn't have to, so people are just playing with me to begin with.

You know, I'm sure my life is much more cozy than other people's.  I'm pretty clean, too, and balanced.  I have things.  I have priorities.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm talking to Jews, too.

I think I can see into the situation, now, and understand it pretty much basically.  I don't want to get into it.  I just want to know what I need to know about what I know about.

Some people are really into fluffing up their life but don't have things how they need them to be.  It's because they spent their time doing something to get ahead in another way, and then I know it turns out they're not happy with themselves and bring this influence onto others.

I guess there are funny ways of finding things out with other people.  Some people don't like to talk.  Some things are just to be expected, but it seems pretty harmless, though I'm wary of it.

So, I finally saw someone

from the 1956-1957 school year on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."  I realized that my mom wasn't black by comparing them but knew that she was cool.  It must suck to be all Chinese.  :p  It kinda sucked today well yesterday when we went to a yogurt place after a movie.  This black girl went crazy when she thought I was Indonesian, so I had to act Chinese instead and figured I knew it was shit.  I think the white girl liked me.  She had a somewhat long slim nose.  Wow, I don't think that guy would care much that I have heritage in Indonesia for probably 500 years.  I just know that she looks more Indonesian than Chinese and less Chinese than her parents, though here she likes Chinese things, which seems neat.  Well, in ways her parents look Indonesian, I thought before.  She doesn't look as dirty as most Chinese.  She was thin and petite, though I saw she was chubby at one point as a small child.  :p  I found something peculiar about my dad, too.  I'm glad I didn't end up like them.  Anyway, my mom was like the skinniest and shortest person there and did ballet and won 1st place in gymnastics in high school I think for the country.  They don't compete worldwide, I think.  :p  She isn't as inhibited as most Chinese.  She didn't fully live a Chinese culture.  It was both Chinese and Indonesian, and she can only speak Indonesian and English with a British kind of accent.  It kinda hurt to think how blacks treat the people locked in Chinese heritage.

So, anyway, I saw Ellen ... "trying to connect with ..." black people, and I didn't get it because she was a blonde, to begin with.  I mean, why would she have a special connection.  I don't think people in like France or England or whatever have special connections as darker skinned people.  Even Middle Easterners don't connect with black people.  They're Asian, today.  I was just worried about it, but she's a bit older than me, so what much can I say?  No one would listen to me!  :|  It's true I connect with black people, at least in Orlando here.  I am curious as to if they are connected to Asia.

I guess I'll have to wait and -

watch the rest of Friday's "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" tomorrow.  I mean tonight or rather tomorrow early A.M. hours.  I think my dad is waking up soon.

2 New Videos of Me


15 New Photos of Me


I get mad at people who don't have kids.

Why take advantage of me?

Freezing One in Their Tracks

Why not improve while you're busy waiting???

I suppose the children themselves are nothing BUT good.

It must be hard having children.

Retaining some closure to your own life.

Okay, how many times?


Look @ this cute English girl

3 New Photos of Myself


Ii don't think that's even something I could do myself

evil cat laugh



hu hu hu hu huhu

Maybe, I just needa more sleep.

New Video of Me Singing and Dancing Ballet


New Pictures of Me

Look if you dare!


Aaaargh! I didn't get enough!!!

I reached my hand out to press the button.  I made my chair fall, Godd bless.

2's enough.

I'm fucking to my piano playing.

It wasn't enough! D: