What do you do about the crazy moments?
Maybe, I should just be more level-headed.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Here are my - actually 2 - posts about death.
I wonder who really deserves to die. Hopefully, no one deserves to die unless they are an old person in bed in a warm home|cottage.
Why can't people understand that! I'm sure arrangements can be made.
What if most of the people in the world died.
Wow, a person can deserve death? They are always trying to defend people with bad backgrounds.
And they say people are just like that if they're mean. That's all the world is today!
Wow, a person can deserve death? They are always trying to defend people with bad backgrounds.
I think 3 people have almost gotten me killed.
That's why death is coming to my mind. I don't want anyone to die! D':
Here's the post about death.
Last time I had the word "nigger" in my head it came out. So, I just wanted to clarify that no one should die nor be harmed nor tortured.
Last time I had the word "nigger" in my head it came out. So, I just wanted to clarify that no one should die nor be harmed nor tortured.
People are getting onto my case.
They think since I'm a perfectionist they can play with me. It's probably because they were just ignoring me before.
I was posting about who's gonna die because it's a thought in my mind I'm supposed to get out before it develops into something serious because it feels like I'm gonna die if I became an actor!
Oh boo hoo!
I wasn't a dangerous nor mean person. Why act like you want me to call you "stupid" and "nigger" just to ruin my rep so you could present it to the world?
My mom's been so careful.
Slowly adding fuel to the fire so as not to explode! It's been her obsession!
I feel sorry for my dad.
He's probably hurt about what he's done. My mom probably got mad, but my dad didn't seem to hurt her when she called and I went to the mental hospital. He wasn't expecting her to get me to break me out into a fight.
I mean, like I thought he was making stimulating sounds in a weird way to apply to someone I care about. I thought it was because he was done talking to my grandma, but who knows what decisions went up.
I mean, like I thought he was making stimulating sounds in a weird way to apply to someone I care about. I thought it was because he was done talking to my grandma, but who knows what decisions went up.
"The Ellen DeGeneres Show" - The JCPenney Dance Dares
I really like the big group dancing. It was neat that they got together! I feel like I should have been doing this when I was at the mall on Memorial Day. I could shimmy me way up those staircases.
I really like the big group dancing. It was neat that they got together! I feel like I should have been doing this when I was at the mall on Memorial Day. I could shimmy me way up those staircases.
I guess I'm cool with my grandma.
I just don't know what was going on. It didn't seem like something that would be done in light of the situation, that kind of thing.
My mom seems to know everything.
If I knew more, maybe I would spend more time being fascinated with myself.
It seems she wanted me to cower to my father because he had black hair. I remember I got mad. I think I had a pout face. She kept seeming to think that, and it was the same response, no. But, I still wanted my hair fair..
It seems she wanted me to cower to my father because he had black hair. I remember I got mad. I think I had a pout face. She kept seeming to think that, and it was the same response, no. But, I still wanted my hair fair..
My Hair
It seems like I liked dark hair, but I guess I didn't go to the playground as much and went to gymnastics and it got dark in between.
My Dad
He seems fine in ways, but there was something he was not supposed to do because it actually matters. I don't think it's funny to seem like you're thinking of applying stimulation to someone and someone nice who doesn't deserve it, in a bad way. I thought he was listening to my grandma. I don't really see how that fits in. It just seems like something is missing from our lives. I guess it's all that new stuff by Tim Burton because it's not in the mainstream though it is so appealing.
It seems like something my mom does.
Can't Figure Things OutOhh. So, I'm supposed to accept that, that people are entering my lives, too. I mean, the way my grandma seems to have influenced bad things to happen when I needed a break from talking to her because partly shes seems tired of talking to me, anyway. Actually, it's so I can get some time with my family and alone, I mean my parents and when my brother's here on summer break.
I'm sorry about that. Do you need any help? Oh, so you're lying. You did it, on purpose.
So, I guess I get it. It seems like something my mom does.
Instead of recommending me out of the system
they could have improved it. I could have quit myself, later. I probably would have. Instead, I got all bitchy and crappy. I kept coming back trying to figure out how to think again.
College Major
It seems like I'm done.
I'm wondering, my brother is almost done but what he should be doing. I thought business was the way to go, but I went into music!
I'm wondering, my brother is almost done but what he should be doing. I thought business was the way to go, but I went into music!
So, you just wait around and call me stupid?
Even though, in certain kinds of ways I come up with all the original ideas? I can live with that. I know I don't really come up with all the original ideas. I said in certain kinds of ways. :|
So, let's see.
I didn't call anyone stupid or anything. I just expressed my pain in other people's suffering. I can see how this is, though. I just want out! I just want to be innocent!
I see my mom did it
because of something similar my dad did, though. How perverted is that? I have things to do and don't need to be stopped by them. I'm starting to wonder if I can take care of myself mentally or if they do.
It's a complicated kind of racism.
And I managed to dodge the bullets, so don't blow up the situation, again, or try to get creative to see if you can stimulate someone!
I guess I can be cool with everyone...
Perhaps, the right esteem is not in store in light of recent events? I just want to cover the topics, if you didn't realize that.
I might be okay with some peopole, but my parents may not be all the time...
...I'm not okay with the things people have been doing related to me. I don't really know who to trust because it seems like a losing battle for no good reason with certain people.
Can't Figure Things Out
I'm sorry about that. Do you need any help? Oh, so you're lying. You did it, on purpose.
My parents can't moniter me on the internet.
They don't have any logic in the matter, at least my mom. They never do anything, online.
So, I was eating and couldn't blog.
Oh my gosh, I'm seeing lots of sparkly stars. I'm pretty mad.
So, it seems my mom is also trying to influence the inhabitants of Central Florida to become undignified. I had to avoid using all these curse words. I thought of the "n" word in one case and had to couple the thought off as a joke. So, I'm not that dumb. If someone is nice to me I don't try to hurt them.
So, it seems my mom is also trying to influence the inhabitants of Central Florida to become undignified. I had to avoid using all these curse words. I thought of the "n" word in one case and had to couple the thought off as a joke. So, I'm not that dumb. If someone is nice to me I don't try to hurt them.
At least I dodged the bullets.
Something like that. I just simply said I wasn't happy with what happened. I don't like people manipulating my lives and somehow my relationships. My parents will do anything to me that I know of that someone else wants to do to punish me for the "n" word thing even though they're too dumb to know they sent me a signal that they wanted me to do it.
Perhaps, I'm mad because I didn't tell my dad to get the smaller dosage of medicine and then didn't take the larger dosage. I said he could get it later on my birthday weekend, as a favor, but was too inhibited to take that large dosage, again. I should have split it but didn't even think about that for some reason...
Letting off Steam
I guess I got upset watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." She's really smart, but it just rekindled a fire...
I thought people knew that they should listen to me and that
I can make my own decisions. It's true! I care.
Get this - LOL?
"The message boards system is currently running in read only mode. Edits cannot be made to profiles."
I now have 2 IMDb accounts, and I link the other 1 on the profiles. I had 1 before. I think I need 3.
Stop acting like I did something wrong.
Don't call me a nigger. If you treat me like this, I can call you whatever I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't, but don't rat on me for the morals I have of that word. I thought they wanted me to do it, anyway, but I wasn't gonna.
Skirting Around
My dad and his sisters are like their mother. They do something wrong and then act like they're sorry. Well, I've seen them get in trouble.
After my dad talked to my grandma, it sounded like he called me a nigger! Then, during a movie, maybe 3|4 in or if anything a little more, he acted like he was stimulating a boy I talk to from England that he knows I talk to. It wasn't just a little thing, but I guess he cowered from his act, a little. What's worse is when he was done and I went through it on my blog or from talking to him he was convinced he did something wrong. We had had an okay day. He yelled at me in between sounding like he was calling me a nigger and acting like he was stimulating the boy! Why can't I get away with doing away with this nonsense? Of course, it was like sorta taken back the way he called me a nigger. Give it a rest, people! Why can I then not call you something? Why did my dad listen to my grandma? Also, he has me stay on pills I don't need that made my female thing whittle down to nothing, and they bat at me for their own problems with their son! It might seem like it's over. This isn't the 1st time people have played around with over-pleasuring this white boy. I did everything to deserve respect and not to be called anything for my race when trying to make a conversation about race in general. My dad keeps saying no one wants to talk about race. He's sarcastic like his sisters, were, and my grandma apparently is if she influenced him to do all that. Sometimes, he's acted like he can suddenly allude to my being 1|2 Chinese and barking at me for it! This is unbelievable. Thanks for changing the world for the better, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp! My dad is getting in a better mood, but he still did it and believes there is no consequence. So, now he listens to the prestige of my mom and not me. He does, in a way. He's the one who decided to carry this out. It sounded like he was just relaying what happened with my grandma. These people in my life are so sarcastic. I made a point that Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter would call their son gay and in public, so it was proof they WANTED me to have fun and call their daughter the "n" word online. Instead, they think because this boy has called people who are mean to him retarded that they can do this weird kind of pleasure thinking about him. Ooh, the animals will think then what if we did that to Christina. Sometimes, I experience stimulation looking at pictures of spoiled kids, but I don't actually defame them. This doesn't make sense. This boy is innocent. He is extra-good and doesn't deserve to be overly-pleasured in a perverted fashion! I might experience some satisfaction if we could turn this around, but I hope it just stops. I want people to listen to me! Stop treating me like I am more retarded than you! Stop coming in and taking advantage of me and changing my life. Ooh, I just saw a big white ghost on the side of my left eye. A thick opaque one. I actually saw a ghost earlier today, too.
After my dad talked to my grandma, it sounded like he called me a nigger! Then, during a movie, maybe 3|4 in or if anything a little more, he acted like he was stimulating a boy I talk to from England that he knows I talk to. It wasn't just a little thing, but I guess he cowered from his act, a little. What's worse is when he was done and I went through it on my blog or from talking to him he was convinced he did something wrong. We had had an okay day. He yelled at me in between sounding like he was calling me a nigger and acting like he was stimulating the boy! Why can't I get away with doing away with this nonsense? Of course, it was like sorta taken back the way he called me a nigger. Give it a rest, people! Why can I then not call you something? Why did my dad listen to my grandma? Also, he has me stay on pills I don't need that made my female thing whittle down to nothing, and they bat at me for their own problems with their son! It might seem like it's over. This isn't the 1st time people have played around with over-pleasuring this white boy. I did everything to deserve respect and not to be called anything for my race when trying to make a conversation about race in general. My dad keeps saying no one wants to talk about race. He's sarcastic like his sisters, were, and my grandma apparently is if she influenced him to do all that. Sometimes, he's acted like he can suddenly allude to my being 1|2 Chinese and barking at me for it! This is unbelievable. Thanks for changing the world for the better, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp! My dad is getting in a better mood, but he still did it and believes there is no consequence. So, now he listens to the prestige of my mom and not me. He does, in a way. He's the one who decided to carry this out. It sounded like he was just relaying what happened with my grandma. These people in my life are so sarcastic. I made a point that Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter would call their son gay and in public, so it was proof they WANTED me to have fun and call their daughter the "n" word online. Instead, they think because this boy has called people who are mean to him retarded that they can do this weird kind of pleasure thinking about him. Ooh, the animals will think then what if we did that to Christina. Sometimes, I experience stimulation looking at pictures of spoiled kids, but I don't actually defame them. This doesn't make sense. This boy is innocent. He is extra-good and doesn't deserve to be overly-pleasured in a perverted fashion! I might experience some satisfaction if we could turn this around, but I hope it just stops. I want people to listen to me! Stop treating me like I am more retarded than you! Stop coming in and taking advantage of me and changing my life. Ooh, I just saw a big white ghost on the side of my left eye. A thick opaque one. I actually saw a ghost earlier today, too.
How did people get precedence not thinking everything is positive and logical? I pretty much laid down the facts. There are appropriate ways of behaving and inappropriate ways of behaving.
I went to get some toilet paper, and there are some things laid out. I am kinda physical, but it's like ooh. I somehow made it across in one leap, but I knocked something over on the way back. I mean, it wasn't like an ant hill or island or anything, but for some reason I just didn't feel like I could do it, this time.
It's all because of the "n" word thing.
I'm figuring out what I need. I don't feel I'm a dangerous person.
I'm not really being negative
in light of the situation. I don't need to be flogged for feeling bad.
People are still lying to themselves about me.
Well, I can do whatever I want back, as long as it is legal! Don't test me!
Some people's minds won't get off things.
And I'm the one who's not supposed to sort out my reactions.
I don't need to go through anyone's laundry list
as a punishment. I know people would attack me more if I did anything to them now, but I could justify it.
Ah h h h ~ Florida niggers!
That's me. It's not because I'm Native American.
Sometimes, you go way too far. I feel like a perv! It's not a place that's all that physically satisfying. In a way, it feels somewhat grounded, though, if you know what I mean.
I just keep finding improved methods of releasing my steam. I wish I could do it hands down. I don't know what's become of me.
A h h h ! I bet it's pretty shocking to a foreigner. To me, it was depressing. I felt my weaknesses.
It's like woah this place is deadbeat. I don't see an escape.
Sometimes, you go way too far. I feel like a perv! It's not a place that's all that physically satisfying. In a way, it feels somewhat grounded, though, if you know what I mean.
I just keep finding improved methods of releasing my steam. I wish I could do it hands down. I don't know what's become of me.
A h h h ! I bet it's pretty shocking to a foreigner. To me, it was depressing. I felt my weaknesses.
It's like woah this place is deadbeat. I don't see an escape.
Teetering on Meaningless Punishments
People forget how they got to where they came from and don't punish everyone for their worth.
Not Achieving the Impossible at a Certain Point of Life
No justification in the end.
How ... Do people know|guess ... like if something is calculated to be impossible, how can they actually rope the entire situation?
I suppose there exists individual lives. Different people have different goals set out for them.
How ... Do people know|guess ... like if something is calculated to be impossible, how can they actually rope the entire situation?
I suppose there exists individual lives. Different people have different goals set out for them.
It seems like people's purposes
in some if not in all things to do something no one can really emulate. Surely, people shouldn't have problems with their own fortes, if indeed they are the fortes they set out to conquer.
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